Health blossoms 7 times a year with Detox11. Detox11 is a free lifestyle detox program offered seven times a year by Wellness Power Team ( Check out the website for rules and dates. Email if you have any questions.
Through positive change, mindfullness, and community health blossoms!
How do you eat and drink for life? Literally how do you eat and drink- for the life and lifestyle you live? and for the "chi" or "Qi" that makes you come alive and stay alive?
Through studying hundreds of "dietary theories" for over twenty-five years, we have come to several conclusions:
The "diets" that WORK FOR LIFE are the ones that incorporate REAL FOOD. Food that includes chemicals (preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes, and flavorings) are not benefiting health. When you drink or eat these chemicals, they wreak havoc on your organ systems, feedback systems, and hormonal systems. Your body searches for nutrients (vitamins and minerals) in the food you eat and drink. It does not know what to do with these foreign chemicals, and actually ends up storing them or misusing them. These man-made chemicals closely resemble important hormones and enzymes your body uses to function correctly, and when the man-made chemicals are accidentally used instead, your body malfunctions.
2. Mindful eating and drinking are important for good health.
3. Its not all about the food! Getting and giving hugs, getting enough good sleep, adding joyful movement....all a part of good health.
4. Actual health improvement takes time. It is not a one and done kinda thing. Detox 11 meets seven times a year, for short, eleven day periods.
5. Health requires community. Whether you like it or not, we are social creatures. We like to live in communities and our health suffers when we are alone or isolated.
6. Health does NOT have to be expensive. Detox11 is ALWAYS FREE and DOES NOT involve any POTIONS, PILLS, or POWDERS. EVER.
7. Good health is always found in the simple things.
Come join us!
Be well.