Only in our dear USA.
Yup, American toxic oils are killing us!
The main culprit in thyroid health problems, and most health problems, is toxic industrial seed oils. If you don't know what they are.....
Industrial seed oils are highly processed oils that were introduced to the American diet in the early 1900's. They were originally used in the Procter and Gamble soap making process. In America, soap had been historically made from pork fat. But, William Procter and James Gamble were an innovative pair and they decided to take industrial waste oils from their soap business and chemically hydrogenate the oils and turn this waste into a solid cooking oil that looked like lard. That is how toxic waste became Crisco in the early 1900's. Since then, other oils have been introduced. From the 1930's to the 1950's Soybean oil, Corn oil, Canola oil, Sunflower oil, Cottonseed oil, Safflower oil, and Peanut oil were chemically altered and added to the list. The amount and types of chemicals used in the process of making these oils is astounding.
The low cost of these cooking oils, and the strong marketing campaigns on the part of the oil manufacturers, make them super popular in American kitchens. The use of these oils is unprecedented in human history. Basically, Americans will eat anything if it is marketed to them strongly enough, and it fits in their budget. It is by design, and many are not even aware that it is toxic, or in their food.
If you want to know more, there are plenty of articles written on the subject. It is a deep rabbit hole, and it will open your eyes to how much the Big Food Industry cares about your life. (They don't care)
Stick to real butter, olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, etc. Watch out for the "natural flavors" and the added chemicals, and be aware that there is more olive oil sold than there are olives on the planet to make this oil. Fraudulent olive oil (honey, fish, and meat too) is rampant! Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, and Butter are NOT Industrial Seed Oils and are NOT toxic.
The importance of your gut cannot be underestimated. Your immune responses, energy, brain health, all stem from your gut. These toxic oils create microscopic tears in your gut lining, which allow protein fragments and bacteria into your blood stream. This is NOT supposed to happen. The result of your body's immune response to this "Leaky Gut" is the cause for many auto-immune diseases, organ imbalances, and disease.....Including thyroid imbalances! Awaken to the Industrial Seed Oils in the food you cook and the food you eat out.
Be discerning. Eat real food and real oils.
There is no one looking out for your health, but you. And the good news is, with a little work, you can heal your gut.
You can feel better. You can be symptom free.