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Thyroid - Your Master

Your thyroid is your master gland. It controls many bodily functions, and is controlled by many. There is not one type of “thyroid imbalance”, as imbalances happen through numerous mechanisms. Through hormone regulation, your thyroid controls: fertility, hair growth, body temperature, cell growth, stress reactions, sleep, weight, appetite, skin health, energy levels and more! Understanding why your thyroid is imbalanced is your first step. Genetics is never the sole reason for thyroid imbalance. Through familial DNA, you may have a predisposition to thyroid imbalance, but there is always a trigger issue that “flips the genetic switch”. If you do have an imbalance, work towards understanding what “flipped your switch”, and take the steps to rebalance. If you must remove your thyroid, do not take RAI; opt for surgery. If possible, try and keep your thyroid intact.

A woman palpating her thyroid to feel if there is an imbalance in her thyroid
Get to Know Yourself and Your Thyroid

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